Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The other day Anna and I went for a walk. We want to explore the area, as well as get some (in my case much needed) exercise. There is a dog park down near the river a few blocks from our house, and I requested that we check it out. Fifteen minutes later I had shit on my shoe. That should teach me to be curious about dog parks.

We continued down the road, and came across an old cemetary. Anna elected to stay outside while I wandered through the stones, admiring the fact that many of them are 150-200 years old. I found a picture on the ground near the gate which I will post once I get it scanned. It was very interesting.

It was getting cold and the sun was going down, so we headed back. I vowed that we would return soon because there is a hill above the part I explored, and it's three times larger. Anna agreed.

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