Thursday, April 21, 2011


This morning, the janitor found a five empty Smirnoff nips in the tampon disposal bin in the ladies restroom. Conspiracy theories abound, as there are countless solutions to this conundrum.

Could it be that one of our customers can't get through the ordeal of shopping at BJ's Wholesale without resorting to a few ounces of Russian Courage?

Do we have a rogue cashier at nights slipping off for bathroom breaks, imbibing the magical "odorless" liquor?

My second favorite theory is that some clever soul on third shift decided to spend his overnight getting boozed up. The fear of being caught runs through them all, due to some unsolved thefts during their shifts. So his vodka-addled brain lands on a solution: a-ha! I will hide them in the ladies' room! There are no ladies on third, so no one will suspect a thing.

Well, mr sneakypants- I SUSPECT. Im on the case, and you can bet i'll be keeping a close eye.

Or not. But its amusing either way.
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